Here's a little bit about the Adidam spiritual
community of Lake County, California.
Our fellowship of several hundred devotees is based
on our practice together of the
Way of Adidam, which is all about the spiritual
realization of perfect happiness, through the tangible
Blessing of our Spiritual Master, Avatar Adi Da Samraj.
Adidam Lake County is one of many
Adidam spiritual communities around the world.
community is unique in that it is the home of Adidam's
oldest Sanctuary, The Mountain Of Attention. Devotees
from throughout Northern California (and indeed, from
around the world) often converge for devotional occasions
and retreats at this sacred place, which is so tangibly
full of Adi Da Samraj's Blessing-Force. One of our
primary responsibilities (and privileges) as a community
is to preserve and beautify these extraordinarily
holy grounds.
Lake County is also the organizational center of Adidam,
as it houses the offices of the Adidam Avataric Pan-Communion.
Many Lake County devotees work in various capacities
for the Pan-Communion. The
Dawn Horse Press, publisher of Adi Da Samraj's
Teaching, is also located in Lake County.
Want to know more? Just drop
us a line, give us a call, or come to one of our